Why UX is important

SEO techniques are there to help improve the discoverability of your website in search engines but this is only half of the process. When a user clicks on a link in a search result they are at the beginning of their journey with you.

Our role at this point would be to look at any issues that users are experiencing such as getting in touch with you or making a purchase on your website.


When you are at the start of a new project we can help to create the right experience from the very beginning. Starting with your business objectives we will discuss what you are looking to achieve with any new platform. We can also conduct interviews with key stakeholders and new or existing users of other sites or digital infrastructure you have.

User journey

Once we have collected enough data to analyse, we can work with you to create user journeys. We map out typical journeys that users might take on a website. This will help us to make decisions on the structure of the web pages, which is called a site map.


Depending on the size of your project it may also be beneficial to create a working prototype. This is in the form of an interactive wireframe, which will allow you to experience the website before it is put into production. Using this, we can do further user testing to examine what works well or if any changes are required.

How can we help?

We work closely with our clients to deliver a clear strategy on user experience whether it is to increase donations, boost engagement or reduce bounce rate. Get in touch with our team to tell us what you need.