Recent changes in the provision of domain names now mean that you’ll be able to purchase an almost limitless variety of short string letters following the dot of each address. These are commonly known in the industry as top-level domains (TLDs).
For SEO purposes those TLDs could make a significant difference in page ranking and find-ability by potential customers. They can help represent specific markets and hence increase your competitive success in an environment (the web) which is highly dependent on customer trust.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has long since passed the expansion but much is at stake for a high number of big players, as well as small, in the race for adopting and securing their personalised URL suffix. Since the decision to pass this major change in domain names there have been countless suffix names proposed but with it scrutiny and concerns about trademark infringements.
Regardless of what plans you may have yourself to apply for a new domain, it’s important that you’re aware of the changes in the event that a competitor moves in on securing a domain that could damage your competitiveness or reputation.
Now is the time to review your potential options for domain name additions: perhaps to segment a large product range or market into specific addresses. Applying for your own personalised address could cost over £100,000 and come attached with requirements to demonstrate either ownership or a legitimate entitlement to use the trademark. Straightforward applications will take approximately 9 months while more complex ones could take 20 months to complete.
The most popular domain name providers such as GoDaddy are now offering up the chance to register for existing, approved new domains ready to purchase off-the-shelf. Pre-registration is already being offered so it’s worth checking availabilitynow as it’s first come, first served registration.
Talk to us about your plans as well whether you’re an existing customer or not so that we can help prepare your website for the changes ahead, contact us.