You should always have control over your organisation’s domain name rather than outsourcing it unless there’s a compelling reason to do so. Keeping ownership in-house helps prevent potential disputes over access and transfers, especially if a business relationship breaks down.

Domains: an essential and valuable business asset
We’ve worked with clients for well over a decade, and in that time, we’ve been continually surprised by how some developers and IT companies operate. Many take control of their clients’ domain names, locking them into contracts or making it difficult to leave. A domain is a vital asset for your organisation. While the annual cost may be minimal, its value to your business is significant.
Why does it matter who manages my domain?
Domain ownership is crucial – losing control of it could mean losing your website. Worse still, if someone else holds the rights to your domain, they have leverage over you. We’ve seen companies use this control to impose restrictions, demand excessive fees, or even refuse to transfer ownership.
Recently, a potential client approached us, worried about moving their website to our agency because their IT provider (who claimed to be also be a developer but wasn’t delivering on this) refused to let them go. In our view, there’s no question of ‘allowing’ a transfer. The domain belongs to the client, just as they own the intellectual property (IP) of their website. In fact, domain ownership disputes often go hand in hand with IP ownership issues – another topic we’ll cover in a future post.
This was the second time this year we’d discussed domain ownership with a client. In another case, a long-standing client was migrating their domains for cost and technical reasons. Shockingly, they had to dig through records to find out who even had access. This is an organisation that generates millions in annual revenue, much of it through their websites.
But what if I can’t manage my domain?
In some cases, you may need someone else to manage your domain, but there should always be a clear agreement in place. Internally, ensure knowledge is documented and included in handovers if team members change. Externally, formalise an agreement outlining how the domain will be managed, associated costs (which should be minimal), and the process if you wish to take back control in the future.
A few years ago, we assisted a local charity in a difficult situation. Their treasurer failed to renew their domain, and it was quickly bought by someone else. We stepped in, developed a new website pro bono, and secured a similar domain. In this case, we now manage the domain, but we’ve had clear discussions about how it works and what would happen if they ever wanted to transfer it. Unfortunately, their treasurer later passed away, creating financial challenges. Without our management, they could have lost their domain once again.
Another charity we support faced a similar issue. A former committee member had registered their domain but later moved abroad. When auto-renewal failed, they were unreachable. Fortunately, they regained internet access the same day we contacted them, allowing us to resolve the issue. Since this charity elects a new committee annually, having a single committee member control the domain was impractical. Now, we manage it with a clear agreement in place should they ever decide to move elsewhere.
What should I do if I’m unsure who manages my domain?
If you don’t know who controls your domain, finding out should be a priority. Check with your internal team, development agency, or IT provider. If an external organisation manages it, you don’t need to explain your reasons for asking. If you’re concerned about resistance, you could frame it as part of a disaster recovery plan (another topic we’ll cover soon).
Once you’ve established where your domain is held, you can decide on the next steps. If an external company manages it, consider whether you want to transfer it back in-house or put a formal agreement in place to protect your interests.
If you need support, feel free to get in touch. Sadly, we’ve encountered this issue many times, so we are experienced and happy to help.